From the recording And Still the Sun Rises

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Love (featuring Luq Frank)

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-Rico Pabón

Verse 1
It's nature's most mysterious riddle
it's something that comes from within us but everyone still needs a little
It only lives if you let it but bet it's always around
and it has no hands but can touch you and pick you up when you're down
with the power to cure diseases leaving even doctors astounded
and without a description you will know when you've found it
or rather when it finds you, usually it's out of the blue
and it tends to come when you're content and busy doing what you do
It came before us and will be here after
it has existed millennia preserved in verses and chapters
gods and mankind alike through time have all been trapped in it's rapture
attracted and captured by this thing that can't be manufactured
it's invisible but you see it every day
listen to a child's laughter and you can almost see it's face
It's the power that towers above it all
it's love y'all……

Verse 2
Some think love is complicated
some people love love and others think that they hate it
some make the mistake and relate it to being infatuated, all of the times they've dated,
fell in love and then soon enough those feelings faded
love is when that feeling grows and is reciprocated
and nor time, distance or absence can eliminate it
love is that wonderful feeling of being appreciated
and love is a true friend who never shows you an ounce of hatred
love is the moment you're holding your first child
and the emotion only grows the first time that they smile
and they take their first steps
and no matter how many years go by,
love is the reason tears well up in your eyes every time you recollect
love has the power to change the mind of a man
by grinding the concrete walls around his heart into tiny grains of sand
cuz it's the power that towers above it all
you know it's love y'all……

Verse 3
Some say that love is work but I disagree
relationships take commitment but love, that comes naturally
or it won't!
Nope, you either feel it or you don't feel it
and if you don't, it's just time to focus on your own spirit
cuz love should feel good and love should feel right
and love looks for solutions and love hates to fight
love is supportive, it is the people who point out your inner light
nowadays, in so many ways, what we've embraced is a look-a-like
love is not hot sex on a platter
it’s not financial success,
it's not at the top of the steps of any ladder
love is not abusive ever, excuses matter never
love isn't pain, as a matter of fact, through the rain it's your umbrella-ella-ella
listen up young girls and fellas
it's not what you feel for your cars or your clothes
no matter what the media tells us
It's the power that towers above it all
it's love y'all……

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